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Message from Our Board Chair: Hurricane Beryl Relief Donation

  • Member Notices
18 Jul 2024
Message from Our Board Chair: Hurricane Beryl Relief Donation

Tragically, Hurricane Beryl has claimed several lives and impacted multiple member territories, including Tobago, Dominica, St. Lucia, Barbados, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Grenada, and Jamaica.

Given the gravity of the situation and the widespread suffering, our Credit Union is appealing to all members for financial ­contributions to provide relief to those affected.

In the spirit of "Members Helping Members", we request that 
each member donate at least CI$10. These donations will be sent to the Caribbean Confederation of Credit Unions (CCCU) Disaster Relief Fund. Our Credit Union will match up to CI$10,000 in donations collected from our members.


If you wish to donate, please indicate the amount and type of account (Savings or Shares) to be debited using the link below. Your positive reply will be taken as authorisation to process the transaction on your behalf.  We will only debit your account with your consent.

Donate Now

Alternatively, you may visit our main headquarters branch to make a donation.

We recall our own experiences with Hurricane Ivan in 2004 when
our Credit Union received financial assistance from the CCCU Disaster Relief Fund. This support was crucial during our time of need, and now we have the opportunity to help others in their time of crisis. 
Recovery from such disasters is a long and painful process, and our Caribbean Credit Union family will greatly appreciate any contributions to expedite their recovery efforts.


While the Cayman Islands were spared a direct hit from Hurricane Beryl, we continue to give God thanks. Please give what you can - no donation is too small.

Cooperatively yours,

Corinne Glasgow

Board Chair